Bleiksá river and waterfall

Bleiksá river and waterfalls are what greets you when arriving in Eskifjordur.   The Bleiksá river starts by the mountain Harðskafi and goes down to Eskifjord, passing the church and cultural center as well as the local camping spot. Hiking is fairly easy up to the main waterfall itself and has numerous smaller and beautiful […]

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Mjóeyri travel service

Cottages - Guesthouse - Sleeping bag - B&B - Hot Tub - Sauna Tour guide - Hiking - Sightseeing - Ski - Hunting AccommodationsActivitiesRandulf´s sea-houseAccommodations At Mjóeyri we offer two kinds of accomodations, both in our guesthouse, and in our cottages, for those who want to enjoy a little bit more privacy. All the houses are situated [...]

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Camping in Eskifjordur

The Eskifjörður camping ground is located at Bleiksá river at the town entrance, encircled by scenic brushes. The camping place has showers, hot and cold water, WCs, electricity for camping cars and a good playground for children. The local swimming pool is close by, as is a café and a Shell service station. Tourist information […]

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