Rare Stone Collection

Welcome to the Stone Collection of Sören and Sigurborgs.

This is one of the most beautiful collection of stones found in Iceland, as it has over 1.000 stones which are cut and polished, to show the inside of these hidden treasures, which are many times crystals or other beautiful arts of mother nature.

rare stone collection iceland eskifjordur jaspis spar east coast reydarfjordur

The interest in starting a stone collection started in 1976 when they passed a site which had just had an avalanche in Reydarfjordur, they came on to a big clump of Jaspis which inspired them to start collecting stones, mostly collecting from the east coast and the northern coastline. The stones collecting has mostly been they’re hobby though friends and relatives have helped out and supported the museum. Now over 1000 stones are cut and polished, and that´s only a small part of the collection which has also a large part uncut but beautiful, like lava, kristals and spar.
The collection has also a wide range of stones.. as for example Basalt, Liparit, bluerock, lava, gips, baggaluta, pearlstone, gabbro, granit, jaspis, opal, spar, kalsit, kalsidon, amethyst, seolita, skolisit, heulandit, thomsonit, apophillit, fluorite and many more, and some foreign stones also. (some names in icelandic)
The Stone Collection is told to be one of the best ones in iceland, and is privately owned by Sören Sörenssen and his wife Sigurborg Einarsdóttir , it´s placed at Lambeyrarbraut 5, 735 Eskifjord

Rare Stone Collection - multiple stones
Rare Stone Collection - single stones
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