Icelandic Spar

Icelandic Spar (also known as Calcite - Calcit - Calcite - Calcita ) Helgustaðir farther along the shore east of the village Eskifjörður, is world-famous. Polarizing light with Iceland spar from here, the 17th century Dutchman Huygens published discoveries on light as a phenomenon of waves. Evidence of former mining, Helgustaðanáma, makes a visit worthwhile, note [...]

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Rare Stone Collection

Welcome to the Stone Collection of Sören and Sigurborgs. This is one of the most beautiful collection of stones found in Iceland, as it has over 1.000 stones which are cut and polished, to show the inside of these hidden treasures, which are many times crystals or other beautiful arts of mother nature. The interest [...]

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