Icelandic Wartime Museum

At the Icelandic Wartime Museum you can travel back to the days of the 2nd World War and the military occupation of Reyðarfjordur (10 minute drive from Eskifjordur). The museum gives a vivid insight into life during the war. The focus is on the impact of the occupation on the Icelandic people. [easy-share], [easy-social-like]  

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Randulffs Seahouse

The Restaurant Randulffs-Seahouse offer local delicaccies like shark-meet, dried fish, both produched in Eskifjörður and widely acknowledged as being among the very best in Iceland, pickled herring, reindeer and with fresh fish from the fjord. The Restaurant is open every day all summer for lunch and dinner. For winter we are open for pre-booked groups […]

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Maritime Museum

The museum mostly exhibits objects and utensils relating to fishing and seafaring in general. It also displays various reminders of local trade, industry and medicine from times past. The collection is in a commercial building, “Gamla búð”, built in 1816. Hours of Operation: June, July and August: 13:00 – 17:00 daily or by arrangement with […]

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Rare Stone Collection

Welcome to the Stone Collection of Sören and Sigurborgs. This is one of the most beautiful collection of stones found in Iceland, as it has over 1.000 stones which are cut and polished, to show the inside of these hidden treasures, which are many times crystals or other beautiful arts of mother nature. The interest [...]

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Randulffssjóhús – Matsölustaður Randulffssjóhús er í eigu Sjóminjasafns Austurlands en Ferðaþjónustan á Mjóeyri sér um rekstur þess. Húsið var byggt um 1890 og var lengst notað sem síldarsjóhús en síðan Sjóminjasafnið eignaðist það hefur það tengst safnastarfi safnsins. Sjóhúsið var í fyrsta sinn opnað almenningi árið 2008. Búið er að koma upp gestamóttöku í sjóhúsinu og […]

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